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Hello all! Have you been watching the Youth Olympic Games?
I've been so busy this weekend with the City Celebrations @ Marina
and the Youth Olympics Games Opening Ceremony!
Took tons of photos. o.0"
I went totally NUTTY just sorting out the photos.
( Be patient k, Will be blogging on the city celebrations by this weekend!
Ahhh, 4Minute & Beast was A-W-E-S-O-M-E )
All thanks to one of the main sponsors of YOG, Samsung
i got to go watch the Opening Ceremony!!!
Woohooo, i was sure that it's gonna be an extravagant event
with a never ending stream of fireworks and i was right!

My DBS Prepaid Visa card arived by courier just 3 days before the event,
me thinks it's an awesome tie-up by DBS & Visa to combine ticketing + ezlink + visa in one card!
Woohoo, no need to use my miserably normal Ez-link card from now on! hehehe
But i want the YOG mascot edition one...
(Mummy thinks my lower lashes are fake. I've no idea when did they become so long!)
The Youth Olympics is, of course to display the sportsmanship of every individual,
but most importantly, to create a friendly relationship between
the 204 countries participating in the games..
While the participants from all over the world are becoming
on friendly terms with each other..
i made some friends while attending the YOG events as well!
Met up with Jeremy, Noel & Alton to go to the Float for the Opening Ceremony together!
Hahaha, damn smart lah me. Noel asked me if we should go earlier like 5plus to queue up,
i said "HUH?!? start at 7.30pm leh, let's meet at 7pm!"
In the end we were one of the last few to go thru the security check and enter The Float.
Like srsly, one of the LAST FEW!!!
Camwhoring while waiting in line for the security check,
It's such an oh-so-blogger behavior! Nothing to do for 5 seconds, camwhore.

Don't play play with singapore's security kay!
It's like in the immigrations..

I want Alton's flaming red hair. HOT RED.

There's something wrong with my camera's auto function!
keeps zooming in automatically when i didnt even nudge the zoom button?!
The picture was suppose to have 3 of us,
but my stupid canon chose such a good time to go crazy.

Lol, alton's aiming damn bad! :x

After queuing up at the security check line for AT LEAST 30mins, finally our turn!
The yog personnel scanned our cards at the purple machine
and handed us this slip of paper so we could collect our goodie bag! :D

Woohoo!!! We're finally finally finally in!!! *Waves YOG flag like madwoman*
The Float was PACKED TO THE BRIM! So sad, we're seated pretty far back,
but at least we got the entire view of The Float!

Lucky us! The ceremony started like 2 mins after we are seated. How lucky!!!
Initially we thought we were gonna miss the first bit of the ceremony
cos we were stuck at security.

I must say i'm really impressed with The Float, it's REALLY beautiful..
With all the important landmarks of modern singapore,
Marina Bay Sands/Helix Bridge & the Singapore Flyer as the backdrop..
it's picture perfect!
The parade is starting!

Hahaha, i love the thundersticks. Will light up and shine shine shine!
Stand up and sing the national anthem:

After the national athem, the fireworks started already!

Can you see that the performers actually formed the Olympics symbol of 5 interlocking rings?

Raaaaahh, monsters!

This is one of my favourite part of the YOG opening ceremony..
Can you see what's on the surface of the water?

Beautiful isn't it? He was playing the piano and singing! Romaaaaantic or not!

Then they released these paper/plastic helium filled birds thing into the sky..
I stared and stared and stared at it until they all disappeared..

WOOT! Freaking thing over there yo!

Ahh fireworks again! How can you ever be sick of these.
See those pink fireworks? SWEE!!!

The athletes marched and passed the Olympian flag on to the other group of athletes!

Singing the Olympic anthem.

During the announcement of YOG athletes,
the four of us were cheering for all 204 countries,
We screamed and cheered for almost every country ok!!!

We're so.. ahem so supportive, hehe
even cheered for some countries with the very ulu names
very poor thing like nobody is cheering for them!
After the announcement of all 204 countries ended,
the four of us had no voice + our thundersticks all lao hong already. -.-
Finally, finaaaaally they announced Singapore!!
Everyone went absolutely MAD CHEERING FOR THE Singapore delegates!
Would have taken a shot of everyone if i wasn't so busy cheering myself. hahah
After the announcement ended, all the attention suddenly turned to the riverside..

A Dragon? Who cares! The Olympic Flame is on it's way to The Float!

Anticipating the arrival of the flame...

Our YOG mascots Merly & Lyo by the cauldron! Kawaii!

The last runner has just lit the cauldron and the flame is on it's way to lit up the lighthouse!

the lighthouse is absolutely beautiful,
till this day I'm still thinking of that twirling fire..
how did they manage to create that effect!

We're all in the mood for celebration,
the 2-week long Youth Olympic Games have officially started!
Best wishes to the athletes representing Singapore,
do us proud and win more medals!

The YOG opening ceremony really wow-ed all of us,
Isn't it crazy that the very first Youth Olympics 2010 is held in Singapore?
Who would have imagined Singapore being able to host such a historical event right here?
Althought we're such a tiny country but we have SO MUCH!
Singapore Flyer.. Resorts World Singapore.. Marina Bay Sands..
and definitely more to come! (:

Some of the photos are credited to Ivan & Lovelivfe
Samsung is having a "Spirit of the Games" contest!
Nope i don't mean Spirit like got ghost in the games or whatever lah,
i know it's the ghost festival now and all...
Ok back to the Spirit of the Games contest!
Samsung is giving away prizes and a Samsung GALAXY S
to the photo that shows the Spirit of the Youth Olympics games the best!
Omg i want that Galaxy S!
Just afew simple steps to join the contest:

1. Like Samsung SG's fb page here: http://pea.to/FBSSS
2. Then click the YOG tab.

3. Click Enter NOOOOOW! Galaxy S Galaxy SSSSS HERE I COME!

4. Allow access.

5. Submit your photo that shows the Sprit of the Games the best,
eg. you showing how you're cheering for the YOG!
You can submit as MANY pictures as you want to increase the chance of winning.
Good luck for the contest, Hope one of you would win the prizes! (:
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